Thermal Formulas

Calculating thermal formulas for hydraulics? View this chart that includes the formula for reservoir cooling capacity, heat in hydraulic oil, and heat in fresh water. For more information about hydraulic pumps, or if you need a Hydraulic Repair Service, contact us today.

Thermal Formulas

Formula For: Word Formula Letter Formula
Reservoir Cooling Capacity
Based on Adequate Air Circulation
Heat (BTU/HR) =
2 x Temperature Difference Between Reservoir Walls And Air (ºF) x Area of Reservoir (Sq.Ft.)
BTU/Hr = 2.0 xThermal Formulas - triT x A
Heat in Hydraulic Oil (approx.)
Due to System Inefficiency(SG=.89-.92)
Heat (BTU/HR) =
Flow Rate (GPM) x 210 x Temperature Difference (ºF)
Q x 210 x Thermal Formulas - triT
Heat in Fresh Water (approx.) Heat(BTU/HR) =
Flow Rate (GPM) x 500 x Temperature Difference (ºF)
Q x 500 x Thermal Formulas - triT
Note: One British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree.   Once Horsepower = 2545 BTU/HR.